"‘Hasta Martes’, una historia de dos guerreros"
el Nuevo Herald - October 21, 2014
"'Until Tuesday': Wounded warrior to speak at Waterloo Public Library"
WCF Courier - October 12, 2014
"Author Capt. Luis Carlos Montalvan to visit Cumberland County College"
nj.com - October 5, 2014
"Captain Luis Montalván, and his life-saving Golden Retirever, Tuesday, to appear at Bay Path"
The Sturbridge Times - October, 2014
VidaSalsera - September 24, 2014
"HBReads One Book Selects Until Tuesday for 2015 Diversity Book Campaign"
Middle East North Africa • Financial Network - September 17, 2014
"Library Lines: Liz Fuller: Brentwood Library's 12th annual CityRead will focus on veterans"
Contra Costa Times - September 16, 2014
"LARSON: Library event to help connect community"
Gwinnett Daily Post - September 13, 2014
"‘One Book’ campaign returns to CCC"
The Daily Journal - August 27, 2014
"Decorated veteran, bestselling author to visit Gwinnett"
Gwinnett Daily Post - July 21, 2014
"Furry Tails: A Hero’s Hero"
CBS Pittsburgh - July 2, 2014
"PTSD service dog Tuesday is world’s best tucker"
Examiner.com - June 27, 2014
"Mackin Books in Bloom: Animals Helping People"
Mackin’s Best Books for Teachers & Librarians - June 12, 2014
"Tuesday Tucks Me In, Inspiring Tale of Service Dog and His Veteran"
The Missourian - May 27, 2014
"Tuesday: More Than a Soldier’s Best Friend"
Racine County Eye - May 1, 2014
"Luis Montalvan to visit campus"
The East Carolinian - March 25, 2014
"American hero, athlete to speak at ECU"
The Daily Reflector - March 23, 2014
"Service Dog “Unbelievable Blessing” For Wounded Warrior"
FOX 17 - March 23, 2014
"Back to the future with dogs"
Examiner.com - March 19, 2014
"‘Until Tuesday’ picked for this year’s Whittier Reads selection"
Whittier Daily News - February 17, 2014
"Recovering from PTSD"
University of Illinois - School of Social Work Newsletter - Fall 2013 issue
"Iraq veteran’s service dog receives AKC Award for Canine Excellence"
Examiner.com - December 16, 2013
"Veterans’ PTSD service dogs are a political hot potato"
Examiner.com - December 11, 2013
"A wounded warrior and his faithful dog"
Northwest Guardian - November 26, 2013